Saturday, January 18, 2014

Assignment #1 Questions

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask these questions, but I figured there are probably some of my classmates that have the same questions.  I am confused on what needs to be done for Assignment #1.  I know that we are suppose to create a STEM lesson, but besides that I am lost.  Below are a list of the questions that I have.

  • Does it have to be an entire lesson, or can it be something like the Placed Based Problems that we have been doing in the majority of or EDMA classes?
  • If it is an entire lesson, what format should it be in?
  • Does a STEM lesson include all 4 elements?  Or can they sometimes just have 2 or 3 of them?
  • Are we suppose to teach the lesson/problem between now and when the assignment is due and report on what happened?
I think that those are all of my questions for now, but I am sure that I will have more :)  Thanks!


  1. Lexie - I hope Chip's clarification helped a bit. It's great if you can get all four aspects of STEM in there, but if you can't, strive for at least 2 or 3. Many times the aspects are so inter-related it's hard (and uneccesary) to separate them out.

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  3. Where do we post our lesson plans?

  4. We post them as a new post here on the blog
