Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2/10 Reflection - Lexie

1.         I have not been able to think of any project ideas yet L.  I know that I would like to do something that relates to the math I will be teaching.  I think it would be great to do something with systems of equations, quadratics, factoring, or some other algebra I topic, but I don’t know where to even begin.  I am going to meet with a Science teacher that has the same students as me this week to try and figure out some kind of activity that we might be able to do.  She is working on animal cells with them right now, so we might be able to do that activity I saw that students were making cells in minecraft.  I’m sure that I will need a ton of support from you guys!

2.         I actually would like to learn about any STEM lessons.  I would really like to learn more that I could relate to math topics that I teach, so I can easily incorporate them into my lessons.  But honestly, I will appreciate all types of STEM lessons!

3.         I really liked the conversion activity tonight.  I think it is a great problem that I could easily incorporate into my classes. I could even see doing it as a kind of culminating assessment of conversions.  I thought that they were great problems because they apply to today and it was a topic that students would be interested in.


  1. I have good news! I talked with a science teacher that shares the same kids as me and we have came up with a project that will work for us She is working on plant cells, so we are going to have a project where the students make plant cells in the minecraft world! I have to figure out where I can throw some extra math (especially algebra) in, but I am pretty excited about it.

  2. I love that you are collaborating with a science teacher on this project! Looking forward to hearing about it.

  3. Lexie - there's already some example eukaryotic cells out there within Minecraft that you can use as an example for your class.

    For math, what sorts of standards are you looking to hit? I'm wondering if the students come up with a cell, if you could measure it in the world, and then have the students determine how many cells it would take to have the plant grow to a certain height, or if the plant is able to add X number of cells per week, how many weeks would it take to reach height Y?

  4. In word problems I like to use an expression (as opposed to a single variable) to stand for different lengths or quantities. So you could have them calculate the area/perimeter/volume or fraction of volume (e.g. volume of mitochondria per total volume of cell) if the radius or length is something like 3x + 2. The thing you want to be careful of is that you give meaningful units to x and that the expressions make sense in terms of overall units.
