Tuesday, March 25, 2014

As usual, I found the weekly math project to be pretty far out of my comfort zone. Although I have been taught all the concepts we work with, I don't teach them therefore I don't own them. However, there are always those in the class who come to the rescue and last night Ronna and Sara were those people. Once they explained their thinking I understood what to do but I am preeetty sloooow. By the time my calculations were done the project was labeled and the timer dinging. I do have to say that while I have no illusions about becoming an engineering expert I am gaining clarity each week.

My project is going surprisingly well, almost done actually. Chip was right....give the assignment and the students will figure it out. In hindsight though this has proven true for students who are already Minecrafters. If I had been foolish enough to set my entire class on this task I would have drowned, taking most of them down with me.

 I am a little apprehensive about the 15 minute presentation. My students are so incredibly good they did not appear to find the project challenging at all. I don't think I'm going to have much to talk about but the project is stunningly beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I'm glad to hear that working in groups is working out well for you. For the project - I am anxious to see the end result, it sounds great. If the students need more challenge, perhaps consider having them write about the pros and cons of the project, have them debate the merits of the project with each other, discuss the advantages and limitations of modeling the hydroelectric facility in Minecraft, etc.
