Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Class Reflection and Project Update

I continue to enjoy this class.  The challenges of some calculations keep me on my toes.  I am always so surprised at those students who get it right away.  I don't pretend to know what I am doing, so I just ride along sometimes.  This week I felt that way.  Though I still felt like I learned a lot.  You learn by doing!  It is so nice to be able to hash out these different scenarios with other students, otherwise I would really be lost sometimes.  The guidance we are given is such a help.  I look forward to attempting this monster lobe assignment on Minecraft.  From my understanding, we are to build a monster lobe in Minecraft (no lesson plan needed, right).  We get to do this one right, or do you still want us to get kids to build it?  I look forward to creating, I rarely get the opportunity to get into Minecraft for myself.  My son keeps asking if anyone has gone through his maze.  I will have to attempt it this weekend so he can watch me struggle through his maze.

Project Update:

I have set things in motion.  I have my students (son, and nephew) doing research on the water vessels.  I gave them specifications (it has to be able to hold 500 people).  They get to decide what type of ship it is going to be and how it will propel them through water.  I have given them this task and will be checking in with them tomorrow so we can move on to the next step.  They will have gotten information on what things are essential for this ship to propel itself through water and house 500 passengers.  Next we will meet up and discuss how to come up with a list for items they need to create their vessels in Minecraft.  After that, they will start to build in Minecraft.  I figured I would have them build it in Minecraft edu so I can show all of you what they did when they have completed it.  I decided to bring it down to 500 passengers, because otherwise we would have a gigantic ship, and a huge undertaking for the kids.  I am just hoping that 500 isn't too much as well.

1 comment:

  1. Sunshine - I am fine with you doing this one on your own if you want to. I think we're having some server issues... I'm hoping the maze survived.

    On the project, keeping the number relatively low seems reasonable. AND, I think if your students come back and tell you that 500 isn't reasonable to model in Minecraft and have good justification for it (and can suggest what would be reasonable), that's a good learning outcome as well.
