Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's a Christmas miracle! I actually enjoyed class last night. Not only did I understand the math, after 12 weeks I can finally teleport and move around in Minecraft all by myself. Good grief.

I'm thinking about summer vacation already, remembering many childhood trips across a drawbridge to our favorite beach. Last week the idea occurred to me that it might make sense for the road to go above the Lobe so it could pass safely under it, just like the bridge is built to allow ships to pass. Someone else had that idea last night as well. (Sorry, I forgot who...)

A few things come to mind as I ponder this idea. The first would be whether or not there would be enough time to design and build a new road before the Lobe reaches the Dalton. The other would be whether or not there would be enough space under a new road for the Lobe to pass through. I know that pilings need to be evenly spaced for support. I also know that there would be stability issues as the pilings would be in permafrost. The permafrost would further be affected by the force exerted by the  momentum of the Lobe. However, the Golden Gate Bridge comes to mind. It appears to have adequate span and has held up under the tides of the Bay for 80 years. The permafrost issue was settled with the construction of the pipeline. Maybe the pipeline design could be modified for a road.

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