Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reflection of April 7

I really enjoyed this week's class because it caused me to think on a level that I am not use to on a daily basis.  I just wish I had a little more think time to work on the problems.  As I've said before, jumping from first grade level thinking and teaching to the level required to solve the class problems takes a bit.  I love every second of it! 

O.K. so I don't do Minecraft, so no, I couldn't move myself around to look at the different sites, and if I ever get two minutes, I will spend some time doing so.  I have no idea when that will be, but I will try. 

Monster Lobe problem is fun to think about.  I wonder why we feel the need to stop the frontal movement of the lobe and why do we think we need to stop the entire lobe?  Why can't we take pieces from it, divide it and reduce the momentum? I wish we could do a field trip to take a look at it!  Is there any way the river could be used as a water source for creating high pressure steam and use that to melt parts of the lobe, to drill tunnels through the lobe with the steam to weaken the lobe? 

These are my thoughts from the week.  My project is still moving ahead, super slowly.  The students are loving the process but the product isn't coming together, which is part of the lesson, right! 
Debbie Taylor

1 comment:

  1. If you get the capability, and want someone to help walk you through it, let me know!
